Codes |
Titles |
Number of
US Businesses |
22 |
Textile Mill Products |
14,114 |
2211 |
Broadwoven Fabric Mills, Cotton |
3,068 |
221100 |
Broadwoven fabric mills, cotton |
240 |
22110000 |
Broadwoven fabric mills, cotton |
240 |
221101 |
Sheets, bedding and table cloths: cotton |
177 |
22110100 |
Sheets, bedding and table cloths: cotton |
54 |
22110101 |
Bed sheeting, cotton |
19 |
22110102 |
Bed tickings, cotton |
2 |
22110103 |
Bedspreads, cotton |
31 |
22110104 |
Blankets and blanketings, cotton |
33 |
22110107 |
Pillow tubing |
5 |
22110108 |
Pillowcases |
18 |
22110109 |
Sheets and sheetings, cotton |
11 |
22110110 |
Table cover fabrics, cotton |
9 |
22110112 |
Tubing, seamless: cotton |
2 |
221102 |
Apparel and outerwear fabrics, cotton |
272 |
22110200 |
Apparel and outerwear fabrics, cotton |
207 |
22110201 |
Corset fabrics, cotton |
1 |
22110202 |
Dress fabrics, cotton |
18 |
22110204 |
Glove fabrics, cotton |
4 |
22110205 |
Handkerchief fabrics, cotton |
2 |
22110206 |
Madras, cotton |
0 |
22110207 |
Mitten flannel, cotton |
1 |
22110209 |
Pajama checks, textile |
1 |
22110210 |
Shirting fabrics, cotton |
20 |
22110211 |
Shoe fabrics |
12 |
22110214 |
Underwear fabrics, cotton |
7 |
221103 |
Towels, dishcloths and washcloths: cotton |
46 |
22110300 |
Towels, dishcloths and washcloths: cotton |
14 |
22110302 |
Dishcloths |
3 |
22110303 |
Glass toweling, cotton |
1 |
22110305 |
Towels and toweling, cotton |
23 |
22110306 |
Washcloths |
5 |
221104 |
Plushes and piles, broadwoven cotton: including flannels |
23 |
22110400 |
Plushes and piles, broadwoven cotton: including flannels |
1 |
22110401 |
Canton flannels, cotton |
0 |
22110404 |
Flannels, cotton |
1 |
22110405 |
Outing flannel, cotton |
1 |
22110406 |
Pile fabrics, cotton |
2 |
22110407 |
Plushes, cotton |
1 |
22110408 |
Terry woven fabrics, cotton |
4 |
22110409 |
Velours |
7 |
22110410 |
Velveteens |
4 |
22110411 |
Velvets, cotton |
2 |
221105 |
Twills, drills, denims and other ribbed fabrics: cotton |
521 |
22110500 |
Twills, drills, denims and other ribbed fabrics: cotton |
6 |
22110501 |
Bombazine, cotton |
1 |
22110503 |
Corduroys, cotton |
2 |
22110504 |
Coverts, cotton |
2 |
22110505 |
Denims |
464 |
22110506 |
Drills, cotton |
1 |
22110509 |
Jean fabrics |
30 |
22110511 |
Piques, cotton |
1 |
22110512 |
Pocketing twill, cotton |
3 |
22110513 |
Poplin, cotton |
1 |
22110514 |
Rep, cotton |
14 |
22110516 |
Twills, cotton |
1 |
221106 |
Upholstery, tapestry and wall coverings: cotton |
385 |
22110600 |
Upholstery, tapestry and wall coverings: cotton |
39 |
22110601 |
Airplane cloth, cotton |
12 |
22110602 |
Automotive fabrics, cotton |
10 |
22110603 |
Brocatelle, cotton |
1 |
22110604 |
Casement cloth, cotton |
1 |
22110605 |
Draperies and drapery fabrics, cotton |
211 |
22110606 |
Furniture denim |
4 |
22110607 |
Seat cover cloth, automobile: cotton |
13 |
22110608 |
Shade cloth, window: cotton |
9 |
22110609 |
Slip cover fabrics, cotton |
19 |
22110610 |
Tapestry fabrics, cotton |
13 |
22110611 |
Upholstery fabrics, cotton |
76 |
221107 |
Nets and netting products and fabrics, cotton |
29 |
22110700 |
Nets and netting products and fabrics, cotton |
7 |
22110701 |
Camouflage nets |
11 |
22110702 |
Laundry nets |
9 |
22110703 |
Mosquito netting |
2 |
221108 |
Sheers and other thin, lightweight fabrics: cotton |
27 |
22110800 |
Sheers and other thin, lightweight fabrics: cotton |
1 |
22110802 |
Butter cloths |
1 |
22110803 |
Cambric, cotton |
1 |
22110804 |
Cheesecloth |
1 |
22110806 |
Filter cloth, cotton |
14 |
22110812 |
Press cloth |
5 |
22110813 |
Scrim, cotton |
2 |
22110815 |
Tracing cloth, cotton |
2 |
221109 |
Bandages, gauzes and surgical fabrics, cotton |
28 |
22110900 |
Bandages, gauzes and surgical fabrics, cotton |
7 |
22110901 |
Bandage cloths, cotton |
4 |
22110903 |
Gauze |
9 |
22110904 |
Moleskins |
2 |
22110905 |
Surgical fabrics, cotton |
7 |
221110 |
Linings and interlinings, cotton |
13 |
22111000 |
Linings and interlinings, cotton |
9 |
22111001 |
Crinoline |
1 |
22111003 |
Interlining material, cotton |
2 |
22111004 |
Percaline, cotton |
1 |
22111005 |
Table damask, cotton |
0 |
221111 |
Canvas and other heavy, coarse fabrics: cotton |
871 |
22111100 |
Canvas and other heavy, coarse fabrics: cotton |
18 |
22111101 |
Awning stripes, cotton |
5 |
22111102 |
Balloon cloth, cotton |
1 |
22111103 |
Bark cloth, cotton |
1 |
22111104 |
Buckram |
2 |
22111105 |
Canvas |
822 |
22111107 |
Duck, cotton |
3 |
22111110 |
Luggage fabrics, cotton |
4 |
22111111 |
Osnaburgs |
1 |
22111113 |
Sail cloth |
12 |
22111114 |
Tentage |
4 |
221112 |
Decorative trim and specialty fabrics, including twist weave |
86 |
22111200 |
Decorative trim and specialty fabrics, including twist weave |
40 |
22111201 |
Book cloth |
3 |
22111202 |
Brocade, cotton |
0 |
22111203 |
Bunting cloths |
1 |
22111204 |
Chambrays |
4 |
22111205 |
Chenilles, tufted textile |
9 |
22111208 |
Jacquard woven fabrics, cotton |
5 |
22111210 |
Matelasse, cotton |
2 |
22111211 |
Pin checks, cotton |
1 |
22111212 |
Pin stripes, cotton |
5 |
22111215 |
Tickings |
14 |
22111216 |
Typewriter ribbon cloth |
2 |
221113 |
Crepes and other crinkled texture fabrics, cotton |
3 |
22111300 |
Crepes and other crinkled texture fabrics, cotton |
2 |
22111301 |
Crepes, cotton |
1 |
22111304 |
Seersuckers, cotton |
0 |
221199 |
Broadwoven fabric mills, cotton, nec |
421 |
22119901 |
Alpacas, cotton |
80 |
22119902 |
Bags and bagging, cotton |
45 |
22119903 |
Basket weave fabrics, cotton |
55 |
22119904 |
Bathmats, cotton |
2 |
22119905 |
Bird's-eye diaper cloth, cotton |
2 |
22119906 |
Broadcloth, cotton |
2 |
22119907 |
Card roll fabrics, cotton |
10 |
22119908 |
Chafer fabrics, cotton |
2 |
22119909 |
Cotton broad woven goods |
18 |
22119910 |
Cottonades |
1 |
22119911 |
Coutil, cotton |
2 |
22119912 |
Diaper fabrics, nec |
7 |
22119913 |
Elastic fabrics, cotton |
9 |
22119914 |
Express stripes, cotton |
1 |
22119915 |
Ginghams |
22 |
22119916 |
Laundry fabrics, cotton |
13 |
22119917 |
Lawns, cotton |
4 |
22119918 |
Long cloth, cotton |
6 |
22119919 |
Print cloths, cotton |
64 |
22119921 |
Scrub cloths |
44 |
22119922 |
Stretch fabrics, cotton |
2 |
22119923 |
Umbrella cloth, cotton |
7 |
22119925 |
Wignan, cotton |
1 |
22119926 |
Yarn-dyed fabrics, cotton |
23 |
2221 |
Broadwoven Fabric Mills, Manmade |
1,256 |
222100 |
Broadwoven fabric mills, manmade |
201 |
22210000 |
Broadwoven fabric mills, manmade |
201 |
222101 |
Bedding, manmade or silk fabric |
186 |
22210100 |
Bedding, manmade or silk fabric |
29 |
22210101 |
Bedspreads, silk and manmade fiber |
4 |
22210102 |
Blanketings, manmade fiber |
17 |
22210103 |
Comforters and quilts, manmade fiber and silk |
138 |
222102 |
Apparel and outerwear fabric, manmade fiber or silk |
68 |
22210200 |
Apparel and outerwear fabric, manmade fiber or silk |
48 |
22210201 |
Dress fabrics, manmade fiber and silk |
8 |
22210202 |
Necktie fabrics, manmade fiber and silk: broadwoven |
4 |
22210203 |
Shirting fabrics, manmade fiber and silk |
5 |
22210204 |
Suiting fabrics, manmade fiber and silk |
1 |
22210205 |
Underwear fabrics, manmade fiber and silk |
2 |
222103 |
Silks, satins, taffetas and crepes |
129 |
22210300 |
Silks, satins, taffetas and crepes |
6 |
22210301 |
Canton crepes |
0 |
22210304 |
French crepes |
3 |
22210307 |
Satins |
104 |
22210308 |
Silk broadwoven fabrics |
12 |
22210309 |
Taffetas |
5 |
222104 |
Manmade and synthetic broadwoven fabrics |
137 |
22210400 |
Manmade and synthetic broadwoven fabrics |
43 |
22210401 |
Acetate broadwoven fabrics |
3 |
22210402 |
Acrylic broadwoven fabrics |
12 |
22210404 |
Nylon broadwoven fabrics |
27 |
22210406 |
Polyester broadwoven fabrics |
16 |
22210407 |
Polyethylene broadwoven fabrics |
9 |
22210408 |
Polypropylene broadwoven fabrics |
21 |
22210409 |
Rayon broadwoven fabrics |
8 |
22210411 |
Spandex broadwoven fabrics |
5 |
22210412 |
Vinal broadwoven fabrics |
9 |
222105 |
Glass and fiberglass broadwoven fabrics |
215 |
22210500 |
Glass and fiberglass broadwoven fabrics |
32 |
22210501 |
Fiberglass fabrics |
172 |
22210502 |
Glass broadwoven fabrics |
12 |
222106 |
Upholstery, tapestry, and wall covering fabrics |
196 |
22210600 |
Upholstery, tapestry, and wall covering fabrics |
39 |
22210601 |
Automotive fabrics, manmade fiber |
14 |
22210602 |
Draperies and drapery fabrics, manmade fiber and silk |
78 |
22210603 |
Slip cover fabrics, manmade fiber and silk |
12 |
22210604 |
Tapestry fabrics, manmade fiber and silk |
7 |
22210605 |
Upholstery fabrics, manmade fiber and silk |
18 |
22210606 |
Wall covering fabrics, manmade fiber and silk |
36 |
222107 |
Ribbed broadwoven fabrics |
8 |
22210701 |
Failles |
6 |
22210702 |
Poplin, manmade fiber |
1 |
22210703 |
Serges, manmade fiber |
1 |
22210704 |
Twills, manmade fiber |
0 |
222108 |
Plushes and piles, broadwoven fabrics |
12 |
22210801 |
Duvetyn, manmade fiber and silk |
1 |
22210802 |
Pile fabrics, manmade fiber and silk |
6 |
22210803 |
Plushes, manmade fiber and silk |
3 |
22210804 |
Velvets, manmade fiber and silk |
2 |
222109 |
Specialty broadwoven fabrics, including twisted weaves |
53 |
22210900 |
Specialty broadwoven fabrics, including twisted weaves |
34 |
22210901 |
Elastic fabrics, manmade fiber and silk |
4 |
22210902 |
Fur-type fabrics, manmade fiber |
1 |
22210903 |
Jacquard woven fabrics, manmade fiber and silk |
0 |
22210904 |
Leno fabrics, manmade fiber and silk |
1 |
22210905 |
Paper broadwoven fabrics |
5 |
22210906 |
Parachute fabrics |
6 |
22210908 |
Typewriter ribbon cloth, manmade fiber |
2 |
222199 |
Broadwoven fabric mills, manmade, nec |
81 |
22219901 |
Lining fabrics, manmade fiber and silk |
4 |
22219902 |
Linings, rayon or silk |
1 |
22219903 |
Marquisettes, manmade fiber |
0 |
22219904 |
Textile mills, broadwoven: silk and manmade, also glass |
65 |
22219905 |
Textile warping, on a contract basis |
11 |
2231 |
Broadwoven Fabric Mills, Wool |
362 |
223100 |
Broadwoven fabric mills, wool |
86 |
22310000 |
Broadwoven fabric mills, wool |
86 |
223101 |
Apparel and outerwear broadwoven fabrics |
59 |
22310100 |
Apparel and outerwear broadwoven fabrics |
55 |
22310101 |
Overcoatings: wool, mohair, or similar fibers |
2 |
22310103 |
Serges of wool, mohair, or similar fibers |
1 |
22310104 |
Skirtings: wool, mohair or similar fibers |
2 |
22310105 |
Suitings: wool, mohair, or similar fibers |
1 |
223102 |
Bleaching, dying and specialty treating: wool, mohair, etc. |
49 |
22310200 |
Bleaching, dying and specialty treating: wool, mohair, etc. |
7 |
22310201 |
Bleaching yarn and fabrics: wool or similar fibers |
3 |
22310202 |
Calendering: wool, mohair, or similar fiber fabrics |
1 |
22310203 |
Dyeing and finishing: wool or similar fibers |
20 |
22310204 |
Napping: wool, mohair, or similar fiber fabrics |
1 |
22310205 |
Preshrinking wool broadwoven fabrics |
1 |
22310206 |
Raw stock dyeing and finishing of wool or similar fabric |
2 |
22310207 |
Refinishing cloth of wool, mohair or similar fabric |
7 |
22310208 |
Shrinking cloth: wool, mohair, or similar fibers |
1 |
22310209 |
Sponging cloth: wool, mohair, or similar fabric |
2 |
22310210 |
Worsted fabrics, broadwoven |
5 |
223103 |
Felts, blanketing and upholstery fabrics: wool |
49 |
22310300 |
Felts, blanketing and upholstery fabrics: wool |
6 |
22310301 |
Billiard cloths |
3 |
22310302 |
Blankets and blanketings: wool or similar fibers |
13 |
22310303 |
Felts, woven: wool, mohair, or similar fibers |
12 |
22310304 |
Papermakers' felts, woven: wool, mohair, or similar fibers |
10 |
22310305 |
Upholstery fabrics, wool |
10 |
223104 |
Animal fiber fabrics, except wool: woven |
45 |
22310400 |
Animal fiber fabrics, except wool: woven |
7 |
22310401 |
Alpacas, mohair: woven |
37 |
22310402 |
Haircloth: wool, mohair, or similar fibers |
1 |
223199 |
Broadwoven fabric mills, wool, nec |
81 |
22319901 |
Burling and mending cloth |
0 |
22319902 |
Cloth, wool: mending |
6 |
22319903 |
Fabric finishing: wool, mohair, or similar fibers |
19 |
22319904 |
Flannels: wool, mohair, or similar fibers |
1 |
22319905 |
Mill menders, contract: wool, mohair, or similar fibers |
1 |
22319906 |
Narrow fabrics: dyeing and finishing of wool or similar good |
1 |
22319907 |
Weaving mill, broadwoven fabrics: wool or similar fabric |
26 |
22319908 |
Wool broadwoven fabrics |
27 |
2241 |
Narrow Fabric Mills |
533 |
224100 |
Narrow fabric mills |
104 |
22410000 |
Narrow fabric mills |
104 |
224101 |
Lace and decorative trim, narrow fabric |
146 |
22410100 |
Lace and decorative trim, narrow fabric |
17 |
22410101 |
Fringes, woven |
9 |
22410102 |
Hat band fabrics |
5 |
22410103 |
Lace, auto wind |
1 |
22410104 |
Laces, corset or shoe: textile |
2 |
22410105 |
Lacings, textile |
4 |
22410106 |
Ribbons, nec |
40 |
22410108 |
Shoe laces, except leather |
11 |
22410109 |
Trimmings, textile |
55 |
22410110 |
Wicking |
11 |
224102 |
Rubber and elastic yarns and fabrics |
49 |
22410200 |
Rubber and elastic yarns and fabrics |
7 |
22410201 |
Elastic narrow fabrics, woven or braided |
22 |
22410202 |
Elastic webbing |
6 |
22410203 |
Rubber thread and yarns, fabric covered |
4 |
22410204 |
Thread, elastic: fabric covered |
5 |
22410205 |
Yarns, elastic: fabric covered |
9 |
224103 |
Fabric tapes |
51 |
22410300 |
Fabric tapes |
37 |
22410301 |
Electric insulating tapes and braids, except plastic |
7 |
22410302 |
Slide fastener tapes |
1 |
22410303 |
Tie tapes, woven or braided |
4 |
22410304 |
Venetian blind tapes |
1 |
22410305 |
Zipper tape |
2 |
224104 |
Webbing, braids and belting |
148 |
22410400 |
Webbing, braids and belting |
7 |
22410401 |
Apparel webbing |
16 |
22410402 |
Beltings, woven or braided |
3 |
22410403 |
Bindings, textile |
24 |
22410404 |
Braids, textile |
54 |
22410405 |
Braids, tubular nylon or plastic |
6 |
22410406 |
Gimps |
1 |
22410407 |
Spindle banding |
2 |
22410408 |
Strapping webs |
14 |
22410409 |
Webbing, woven |
36 |
224199 |
Narrow fabric mills, nec |
103 |
22419901 |
Cords, fabric |
8 |
22419902 |
Cotton narrow fabrics |
16 |
22419903 |
Fabric, animal fiber: narrow woven |
2 |
22419904 |
Glass narrow fabrics |
2 |
22419905 |
Glove lining fabrics |
3 |
22419906 |
Hose fabric, tubular |
6 |
22419907 |
Labels, woven |
49 |
22419908 |
Manmade fiber narrow woven fabrics |
10 |
22419909 |
Rayon narrow fabrics |
2 |
22419910 |
Silk narrow fabrics |
9 |
22419911 |
Wool narrow woven goods |
4 |
2251 |
Women's Hosiery, Except Socks |
127 |
225100 |
Women's hosiery, except socks |
101 |
22510000 |
Women's hosiery, except socks |
101 |
225199 |
Women's hosiery, except socks, nec |
32 |
22519901 |
Dyeing and finishing women's full- and knee-length hosiery |
11 |
22519902 |
Panty hose |
18 |
22519903 |
Tights, women's |
10 |
2252 |
Hosiery, Nec |
606 |
225200 |
Hosiery, nec |
88 |
22520000 |
Hosiery, nec |
88 |
225201 |
Anklets and socks |
481 |
22520100 |
Anklets and socks |
10 |
22520101 |
Anklets (hosiery) |
6 |
22520102 |
Slipper socks |
6 |
22520103 |
Socks |
462 |
225202 |
Tights and leg warmers |
7 |
22520200 |
Tights and leg warmers |
3 |
22520201 |
Leg warmers |
1 |
22520202 |
Tights, except women's |
3 |
225299 |
Hosiery, nec, nec |
50 |
22529901 |
Dyeing and finishing hosiery |
14 |
22529902 |
Men's, boys', and girls' hosiery |
37 |
2253 |
Knit Outerwear Mills |
1,213 |
225300 |
Knit outerwear mills |
271 |
22530000 |
Knit outerwear mills |
271 |
225301 |
Warm weather knit outerwear, including beachwear |
460 |
22530100 |
Warm weather knit outerwear, including beachwear |
8 |
22530101 |
Bathing suits and swimwear, knit |
86 |
22530102 |
Beachwear, knit |
15 |
22530103 |
T-shirts and tops, knit |
351 |
225302 |
Cold weather knit outerwear including ski wear |
351 |
22530200 |
Cold weather knit outerwear including ski wear |
22 |
22530201 |
Hats and headwear, knit |
49 |
22530202 |
Jackets, knit |
17 |
22530203 |
Jerseys, knit |
19 |
22530204 |
Scarves and mufflers, knit |
18 |
22530205 |
Shawls, knit |
6 |
22530206 |
Ski suits, knit |
2 |
22530207 |
Sweaters and sweater coats, knit |
235 |
225303 |
Lounge, bed, and leisurewear |
54 |
22530300 |
Lounge, bed, and leisurewear |
39 |
22530301 |
Bathrobes, knit |
2 |
22530303 |
Housecoats, knit |
1 |
22530304 |
Jogging and warm-up suits, knit |
8 |
22530305 |
Leotards, knit |
4 |
22530306 |
Lounging robes, knit |
0 |
225304 |
Dresses and skirts |
60 |
22530400 |
Dresses and skirts |
23 |
22530401 |
Dresses, hand knit |
9 |
22530402 |
Dresses, knit |
19 |
22530403 |
Skirts, knit |
14 |
225305 |
Blouses, shirts, pants, and suits |
75 |
22530500 |
Blouses, shirts, pants, and suits |
13 |
22530501 |
Basque shirts, knit |
1 |
22530502 |
Blouses, knit |
5 |
22530503 |
Body stockings, knit |
3 |
22530504 |
Pants, slacks, or trousers, knit |
20 |
22530505 |
Shirts(outerwear), knit |
35 |
22530506 |
Suits, knit |
1 |
225399 |
Knit outerwear mills, nec |
27 |
22539901 |
Collar and cuff sets, knit |
8 |
22539902 |
Dyeing and finishing knit outerwear, excl. hosiery and glove |
13 |
22539903 |
Neckties, knit |
3 |
22539904 |
Shoulderettes, knit |
2 |
22539905 |
Wristlets, knit |
1 |
2254 |
Knit Underwear Mills |
243 |
225400 |
Knit underwear mills |
44 |
22540000 |
Knit underwear mills |
44 |
225401 |
Shorts, shirts, slips, and panties (underwear): knit |
147 |
22540100 |
Shorts, shirts, slips, and panties (underwear): knit |
4 |
22540101 |
Panties, knit |
4 |
22540102 |
Shirts and T-shirts (underwear), knit |
135 |
22540103 |
Shorts, briefs, drawers (underwear), knit |
9 |
22540105 |
Step-ins, knit |
1 |
225499 |
Knit underwear mills, nec |
57 |
22549901 |
Dyeing and finishing knit underwear |
2 |
22549902 |
Nightwear (nightgowns, negligees, pajamas), knit |
22 |
22549903 |
Underwear, knit |
36 |
2257 |
Weft Knit Fabric Mills |
81 |
225700 |
Weft knit fabric mills |
40 |
22570000 |
Weft knit fabric mills |
40 |
225799 |
Weft knit fabric mills, nec |
45 |
22579901 |
Dyeing and finishing circular knit fabrics |
25 |
22579902 |
Jersey cloth |
5 |
22579903 |
Pile fabrics, circular knit |
15 |
2258 |
Lace and Warp Knit Fabric Mills |
198 |
225800 |
Lace and warp knit fabric mills |
40 |
22580000 |
Lace and warp knit fabric mills |
40 |
225801 |
Lace and lace products |
66 |
22580100 |
Lace and lace products |
23 |
22580101 |
Bed sets, lace |
2 |
22580102 |
Bedspreads, lace: made on lace machines |
5 |
22580103 |
Covers, lace: chair, dresser, piano, and table |
15 |
22580104 |
Curtains and curtain fabrics, lace |
12 |
22580105 |
Edgings, lace |
2 |
22580107 |
Lace, knit, nec |
10 |
22580108 |
Laces: Barmen, bobbinet, levers, and Nottingham |
6 |
225802 |
Warp and flat knit products |
62 |
22580200 |
Warp and flat knit products |
13 |
22580201 |
Cloth, warp knit |
22 |
22580202 |
Fabric finishing, warp knit |
17 |
22580203 |
Pile fabrics, warp or flat knit |
3 |
22580204 |
Tricot fabrics |
7 |
225803 |
Net and netting products |
25 |
22580300 |
Net and netting products |
23 |
22580301 |
Mosquito netting, warp knit |
1 |
22580303 |
Netting, knit |
2 |
225899 |
Lace and warp knit fabric mills, nec |
17 |
22589901 |
Dyeing and finishing lace goods and warp knit fabric |
17 |
2259 |
Knitting Mills, Nec |
165 |
225900 |
Knitting mills, nec |
44 |
22590000 |
Knitting mills, nec |
44 |
225901 |
Gloves and mittens, knit |
23 |
22590100 |
Gloves and mittens, knit |
8 |
22590101 |
Dress and semidress gloves, knit |
2 |
22590103 |
Gloves, knit, except dress and semidress gloves |
1 |
22590104 |
Mittens, knit |
3 |
22590105 |
Work gloves, knit |
11 |
225902 |
Towels, washcloths, and dishcloths: knit |
12 |
22590200 |
Towels, washcloths, and dishcloths: knit |
7 |
22590201 |
Dishcloths, knit |
1 |
22590202 |
Towels, knit |
4 |
225903 |
Curtains and bedding, knit |
28 |
22590300 |
Curtains and bedding, knit |
21 |
22590301 |
Bedspreads, knit |
5 |
22590302 |
Curtains, knit |
5 |
225904 |
Girdles and girdle blanks, knit |
4 |
22590400 |
Girdles and girdle blanks, knit |
1 |
22590402 |
Girdles and other foundation garments, knit |
3 |
225999 |
Knitting mills, nec, nec |
55 |
22599901 |
Bags and bagging, knit |
15 |
22599902 |
Convertors, knit goods |
35 |
22599903 |
Meat bagging, knit |
2 |
22599904 |
Shoe linings, knit |
0 |
22599905 |
Stockinettes, knit |
3 |
2261 |
Finishing Plants, Cotton |
955 |
226100 |
Finishing plants, cotton |
129 |
22610000 |
Finishing plants, cotton |
129 |
226101 |
Printing of cotton broadwoven fabrics |
742 |
22610100 |
Printing of cotton broadwoven fabrics |
83 |
22610101 |
Plisse printing of cotton broadwoven fabrics |
3 |
22610102 |
Roller printing of cotton broadwoven fabrics |
6 |
22610103 |
Screen printing of cotton broadwoven fabrics |
652 |
226102 |
Chemical coating or treating of cotton broadwoven fabrics |
92 |
22610200 |
Chemical coating or treating of cotton broadwoven fabrics |
17 |
22610201 |
Bleaching cotton broadwoven fabrics |
20 |
22610202 |
Dyeing cotton broadwoven fabrics |
57 |
22610203 |
Fire resistance finishing of cotton broadwoven fabrics |
15 |
22610207 |
Shrinking cotton cloth |
2 |
22610209 |
Water repellency finishing of cotton broadwoven fabrics |
1 |
226103 |
Decorative finishing of cotton broadwoven fabrics |
32 |
22610300 |
Decorative finishing of cotton broadwoven fabrics |
17 |
22610301 |
Embossing cotton broadwoven fabrics |
10 |
22610302 |
Flocking of cotton broadwoven fabrics |
2 |
22610303 |
Napping of cotton broadwoven fabrics |
4 |
226199 |
Finishing plants, cotton, nec |
11 |
22619901 |
Calendering of cotton fabrics |
2 |
22619902 |
Refinishing cotton broadwoven cloth, for the trade |
5 |
22619903 |
Sponging cotton broadwoven cloth, for the trade |
4 |
2262 |
Finishing Plants, Manmade |
502 |
226200 |
Finishing plants, manmade |
73 |
22620000 |
Finishing plants, manmade |
73 |
226201 |
Printing, manmade fiber and silk broadwoven fabrics |
364 |
22620100 |
Printing, manmade fiber and silk broadwoven fabrics |
27 |
22620101 |
Flock printing: manmade fiber and silk broadwoven fabrics |
8 |
22620102 |
Lacquer printing: manmade fiber and silk broadwoven fabrics |
1 |
22620103 |
Overprinting: manmade fiber and silk broadwoven fabrics |
2 |
22620105 |
Roller printing: manmade fiber and silk broadwoven fabrics |
5 |
22620106 |
Screen printing: manmade fiber and silk broadwoven fabrics |
321 |
226202 |
Chemical coating or treating of manmade broadwoven fabrics |
45 |
22620200 |
Chemical coating or treating of manmade broadwoven fabrics |
18 |
22620201 |
Bleaching: manmade fiber and silk broadwoven fabrics |
1 |
22620202 |
Dyeing: manmade fiber and silk broadwoven fabrics |
23 |
22620203 |
Fire resistance finishing: manmade and silk broadwoven |
5 |
22620205 |
Preshrinking: manmade fiber and silk broadwoven fabrics |
1 |
22620206 |
Shrinking: manmade fiber and silk cloth |
0 |
226203 |
Decorative finishing of manmade broadwoven fabrics |
19 |
22620300 |
Decorative finishing of manmade broadwoven fabrics |
14 |
22620301 |
Embossing: manmade fiber and silk broadwoven fabrics |
4 |
22620302 |
Napping: manmade fiber and silk broadwoven fabrics |
0 |
22620303 |
Teaseling: manmade fiber and silk broadwoven fabrics |
1 |
226299 |
Finishing plants, manmade, nec |
9 |
22629901 |
Calendering: manmade fiber and silk broadwoven fabrics |
1 |
22629902 |
Refinishing: manmade fiber and silk broadwoven fabrics |
4 |
22629903 |
Silk broadwoven fabric finishing |
4 |
2269 |
Finishing Plants, Nec |
235 |
226900 |
Finishing plants, nec |
79 |
22690000 |
Finishing plants, nec |
79 |
226901 |
Printing of narrow fabrics |
50 |
22690100 |
Printing of narrow fabrics |
12 |
22690101 |
Flock printing of narrow fabrics |
1 |
22690102 |
Labels, cotton: printed |
38 |
226902 |
Chemical coating or treating of narrow fabrics |
51 |
22690200 |
Chemical coating or treating of narrow fabrics |
9 |
22690201 |
Bleaching: raw stock, yarn, and narrow fabrics |
6 |
22690202 |
Dyeing: raw stock, yarn, and narrow fabrics |
39 |
226903 |
Decorative finishing of narrow fabrics |
8 |
22690300 |
Decorative finishing of narrow fabrics |
3 |
22690301 |
Braided goods: bleaching, dyeing, or other finishings |
1 |
22690302 |
Embossing: linen broadwoven fabrics |
4 |
226999 |
Finishing plants, nec, nec |
59 |
22699901 |
Cloth mending, for the trade |
18 |
22699902 |
Finishing: raw stock, yarn, and narrow fabrics |
15 |
22699904 |
Linen fabrics: dyeing, finishing, and printing |
26 |
2273 |
Carpets and Rugs |
1,456 |
227300 |
Carpets and rugs |
803 |
22730000 |
Carpets and rugs |
803 |
227301 |
Aircraft and automobile floor coverings |
30 |
22730100 |
Aircraft and automobile floor coverings |
8 |
22730101 |
Aircraft floor coverings, except rubber or plastic |
2 |
22730102 |
Automobile floor coverings, except rubber or plastic |
20 |
227302 |
Mats and matting |
97 |
22730200 |
Mats and matting |
66 |
22730201 |
Bathmats and sets, textile |
8 |
22730202 |
Door mats: paper, grass, reed, coir, sisal, jute, rags, etc. |
23 |
227303 |
Art squares |
40 |
22730300 |
Art squares |
18 |
22730301 |
Art squares, textile fiber |
19 |
22730302 |
Art squares: twisted paper, grass, reed, coir, sisal, etc. |
3 |
227304 |
Carpets, hand and machine made |
141 |
22730400 |
Carpets, hand and machine made |
75 |
22730401 |
Axminster carpets |
4 |
22730402 |
Carpets, textile fiber |
52 |
22730403 |
Carpets: twisted paper, grass, reed, coir, sisal, jute, etc. |
7 |
22730404 |
Wilton carpets |
4 |
227305 |
Rugs, hand and machine made |
209 |
22730500 |
Rugs, hand and machine made |
106 |
22730501 |
Chenille rugs |
2 |
22730502 |
Rugs, braided and hooked |
49 |
22730503 |
Rugs, machine woven |
19 |
22730504 |
Rugs, tufted |
32 |
22730505 |
Rugs: twisted paper, grass, reed, coir, sisal, jute, etc. |
4 |
22730506 |
Scatter rugs, except rubber or plastic |
3 |
227399 |
Carpets and rugs, nec |
179 |
22739901 |
Dyeing and finishing of tufted rugs and carpets |
25 |
22739902 |
Finishers of tufted carpets and rugs |
89 |
22739903 |
Floor coverings, textile fiber |
51 |
22739904 |
Floor coverings: paper, grass, reed, coir, sisal, jute, etc. |
16 |
22739905 |
Smyrna carpets and rugs, machine woven |
22 |
2281 |
Yarn Spinning Mills |
373 |
228100 |
Yarn spinning mills |
111 |
22810000 |
Yarn spinning mills |
111 |
228101 |
Needle and handicraft yarns, spun |
136 |
22810100 |
Needle and handicraft yarns, spun |
23 |
22810101 |
Cordage yarn, spun |
1 |
22810102 |
Crochet yarn, spun |
4 |
22810104 |
Embroidery yarn, spun |
55 |
22810105 |
Knitting yarn, spun |
26 |
22810106 |
Spinning yarn |
15 |
22810107 |
Weaving yarn, spun |
17 |
228102 |
Manmade and synthetic fiber yarns, spun |
51 |
22810200 |
Manmade and synthetic fiber yarns, spun |
25 |
22810201 |
Acetate yarn, spun: made from purchased staple |
3 |
22810202 |
Acrylic yarn, spun: made from purchased staple |
6 |
22810203 |
Manmade staple fiber yarn, spun |
3 |
22810205 |
Nylon yarn, spinning of staple |
5 |
22810207 |
Polyester yarn, spun: made from purchased staple |
13 |
22810208 |
Polypropylene yarn, spun: made from purchased staple |
4 |
22810209 |
Rayon yarn, spun: made from purchased staple |
2 |
228103 |
Natural and animal fiber yarns, spun |
62 |
22810300 |
Natural and animal fiber yarns, spun |
10 |
22810301 |
Animal fiber yarn, spun |
6 |
22810302 |
Cotton yarn, spun |
33 |
22810303 |
Mohair yarn, spun |
2 |
22810304 |
Silk yarn, spun |
1 |
22810305 |
Wool yarn, spun |
13 |
228104 |
Carpet and rug yarn, spun |
24 |
22810400 |
Carpet and rug yarn, spun |
7 |
22810401 |
Carpet yarn, spun |
14 |
22810402 |
Rug yarn, spun |
3 |
228199 |
Yarn spinning mills, nec |
12 |
22819901 |
Carded yarn, spun |
9 |
22819902 |
Combed yarn, spun |
3 |
2282 |
Throwing and Winding Mills |
176 |
228200 |
Throwing and winding mills |
61 |
22820000 |
Throwing and winding mills |
61 |
228201 |
Needle and handicraft yarns, twisting, winding, or spooling |
47 |
22820100 |
Needle and handicraft yarns, twisting, winding, or spooling |
8 |
22820101 |
Crochet yarn: twisting, winding, or spooling |
3 |
22820103 |
Embroidery yarn: twisting, winding, or spooling |
24 |
22820104 |
Knitting yarn: twisting, winding, or spooling |
4 |
22820105 |
Weaving yarn, throwing and twisting |
8 |
228202 |
Manmade and synthetic fiber yarns, twisting, winding, etc. |
22 |
22820200 |
Manmade and synthetic fiber yarns, twisting, winding, etc. |
6 |
22820201 |
Acetate filament yarn: throwing, twisting, winding, spooling |
2 |
22820202 |
Acrylic and modacrylic filament yarn: throwing, winding, etc |
1 |
22820203 |
Nylon yarn: throwing, twisting, winding or spooling |
4 |
22820204 |
Polyester filament yarn: throwing, twisting, winding, etc. |
4 |
22820205 |
Polypropylene filament yarn: twisting, winding, etc. |
5 |
22820208 |
Vinal filament yarn: throwing, twisting, winding, spooling |
2 |
228203 |
Natural and animal fiber yarns: twisting, winding, spooling |
5 |
22820300 |
Natural and animal fiber yarns: twisting, winding, spooling |
2 |
22820302 |
Mohair yarn: twisting, winding, or spooling |
1 |
22820303 |
Wool yarn: twisting, winding, or spooling |
2 |
228204 |
Carpet and rug yarn: twisting, winding, or spooling |
12 |
22820400 |
Carpet and rug yarn: twisting, winding, or spooling |
5 |
22820401 |
Carpet yarn: twisting, winding, or spooling |
7 |
228299 |
Throwing and winding mills, nec |
32 |
22829901 |
Beaming yarns, for the trade |
1 |
22829902 |
Rewinding of yarn |
3 |
22829903 |
Spooling yarn |
2 |
22829904 |
Textured yarn |
14 |
22829905 |
Throwing yarn |
4 |
22829906 |
Twisting yarn |
4 |
22829907 |
Winding yarn |
10 |
2284 |
Thread Mills |
322 |
228400 |
Thread mills |
47 |
22840000 |
Thread mills |
47 |
228401 |
Thread from manmade fibers |
24 |
22840100 |
Thread from manmade fibers |
15 |
22840101 |
Nylon thread |
6 |
22840102 |
Polyester thread |
6 |
22840103 |
Rayon thread |
1 |
228402 |
Thread from natural fibers |
37 |
22840200 |
Thread from natural fibers |
13 |
22840201 |
Cotton thread |
15 |
22840202 |
Silk thread |
9 |
228403 |
Needle and handicraft thread |
226 |
22840300 |
Needle and handicraft thread |
20 |
22840301 |
Crochet thread |
2 |
22840303 |
Embroidery thread |
160 |
22840304 |
Hand knitting thread |
10 |
22840305 |
Sewing thread |
31 |
22840306 |
Spinning thread |
3 |
228499 |
Thread mills, nec |
2 |
22849901 |
Thread: bleaching, dyeing, and finishing |
2 |
2295 |
Coated Fabrics, Not Rubberized |
504 |
229500 |
Coated fabrics, not rubberized |
123 |
22950000 |
Coated fabrics, not rubberized |
123 |
229501 |
Chemically coated and treated fabrics |
84 |
22950100 |
Chemically coated and treated fabrics |
28 |
22950101 |
Buckram: varnished, waxed, and impregnated |
5 |
22950102 |
Leather, artificial or imitation |
18 |
22950103 |
Metallizing of fabrics |
24 |
22950104 |
Oilcloth |
2 |
22950106 |
Waterproofing fabrics, except rubberizing |
7 |
229502 |
Plastic coated yarns or fabrics |
206 |
22950200 |
Plastic coated yarns or fabrics |
11 |
22950201 |
Resin or plastic coated fabrics |
176 |
22950202 |
Tape, varnished: plastic, and other coated (except magnetic) |
13 |
22950203 |
Yarns, plastic coated: made from purchased yarns |
6 |
229503 |
Varnished glass and coated fiberglass fabrics |
43 |
22950300 |
Varnished glass and coated fiberglass fabrics |
9 |
22950302 |
Mats, varnished glass |
0 |
22950303 |
Sealing or insulating tape for pipe: coated fiberglass |
34 |
229599 |
Coated fabrics, not rubberized, nec |
56 |
22959902 |
Laminating of fabrics |
44 |
22959903 |
Shade cloth, coated or impregnated |
3 |
22959904 |
Sleeving, textile: saturated |
1 |
22959905 |
Tubing, textile: varnished |
4 |
22959906 |
Varnishing of textiles |
2 |
22959907 |
Waxing of cloth |
2 |
2296 |
Tire Cord and Fabrics |
63 |
229600 |
Tire cord and fabrics |
18 |
22960000 |
Tire cord and fabrics |
18 |
229601 |
Cord and fabric for reinforcing rubber tires |
24 |
22960100 |
Cord and fabric for reinforcing rubber tires |
3 |
22960101 |
Cord for reinforcing rubber tires |
3 |
22960102 |
Fabric for reinforcing rubber tires |
7 |
22960104 |
Steel tire cords and tire cord fabrics |
15 |
229602 |
Cord and fabric for reinforcing industrial belting |
17 |
22960200 |
Cord and fabric for reinforcing industrial belting |
4 |
22960201 |
Cord for reinforcing industrial belting |
3 |
22960202 |
Fabric for reinforcing industrial belting |
11 |
229603 |
Cord and fabric for reinforcing fuel cells |
5 |
22960300 |
Cord and fabric for reinforcing fuel cells |
5 |
2297 |
Nonwoven Fabrics |
189 |
229700 |
Nonwoven fabrics |
167 |
22970000 |
Nonwoven fabrics |
167 |
229799 |
Nonwoven fabrics, nec |
24 |
22979901 |
Bonded-fiber fabrics, except felt |
9 |
22979902 |
Ribbon, nonwoven (yarn bonded by plastic) |
7 |
22979903 |
Spunbonded fabrics |
8 |
2298 |
Cordage and Twine |
380 |
229800 |
Cordage and twine |
56 |
22980000 |
Cordage and twine |
56 |
229801 |
Ropes and fiber cables |
173 |
22980100 |
Ropes and fiber cables |
32 |
22980101 |
Blasting mats, rope |
2 |
22980102 |
Cable, fiber |
96 |
22980103 |
Rope, except asbestos and wire |
47 |
229802 |
Twine, cord and cordage |
60 |
22980200 |
Twine, cord and cordage |
10 |
22980201 |
Binder and baler twine |
6 |
22980202 |
Cord, braided |
12 |
22980203 |
Cordage: abaca, sisal, henequen, hemp, jute, or other fiber |
22 |
22980204 |
Hard fiber cordage and twine |
2 |
22980205 |
Soft fiber cordage and twine |
2 |
22980206 |
Trawl twine |
2 |
22980207 |
Twine, nec |
15 |
229803 |
Nets, seines, slings and insulator pads |
91 |
22980300 |
Nets, seines, slings and insulator pads |
5 |
22980301 |
Camouflage nets, not made in weaving mills |
1 |
22980302 |
Cargo nets |
17 |
22980303 |
Fishing lines, nets, seines: made in cordage or twine mills |
28 |
22980304 |
Insulator pads, cordage |
9 |
22980305 |
Nets, rope |
16 |
22980306 |
Slings, rope |
20 |
229899 |
Cordage and twine, nec |
31 |
22989901 |
Wire rope centers |
31 |
2299 |
Textile Goods, Nec |
1,107 |
229900 |
Textile goods, nec |
225 |
22990000 |
Textile goods, nec |
225 |
229901 |
Batting, wadding, padding and fillings |
208 |
22990100 |
Batting, wadding, padding and fillings |
77 |
22990101 |
Apparel filling: cotton waste, kapok, and related material |
20 |
22990102 |
Batts and batting: cotton mill waste and related material |
26 |
22990103 |
Hair, curled: for upholstery, pillow, and quilt filling |
5 |
22990104 |
Padding and wadding, textile |
22 |
22990105 |
Pads, fiber: henequen, sisal, istle |
10 |
22990106 |
Pillow fillings: curled hair, cotton waste, moss, hemp tow |
14 |
22990107 |
Quilt fillings: curled hair, cotton waste, moss, hemp tow |
13 |
22990108 |
Upholstery filling, textile |
36 |
229902 |
Felts and felt products |
73 |
22990200 |
Felts and felt products |
35 |
22990201 |
Acoustic felts |
9 |
22990202 |
Automotive felts |
7 |
22990203 |
Boiler covering, felt |
2 |
22990204 |
Carpet cushions, felt |
3 |
22990205 |
Insulating felts |
5 |
22990206 |
Ironing board felts, except woven |
0 |
22990208 |
Mats, felt: except woven |
4 |
22990209 |
Pipe and boiler covering, felt |
3 |
22990210 |
Polishing felts |
2 |
22990211 |
Pressed wool felts |
0 |
22990212 |
Punched felts |
1 |
22990213 |
Trimming felts, except woven |
1 |
22990214 |
Wool felts, pressed or needle loom |
2 |
229903 |
Yarns and thread, made from non-fabric materials |
92 |
22990300 |
Yarns and thread, made from non-fabric materials |
25 |
22990301 |
Flax yarns and roving |
1 |
22990302 |
Ramie yarn, thread, roving, and textiles |
8 |
22990303 |
Thread: linen, hemp or ramie |
4 |
22990304 |
Yarn, metallic, ceramic, or paper fibers |
16 |
22990305 |
Yarn: flax, jute, hemp, and ramie |
1 |
22990306 |
Yarns, specialty and novelty |
38 |
229904 |
Textile mill waste and remnant processing |
124 |
22990400 |
Textile mill waste and remnant processing |
63 |
22990401 |
Fibers, textile: recovery from textile mill waste and rags |
40 |
22990402 |
Flock (recovered textile fibers) |
9 |
22990403 |
Garnetting of textile waste and rags |
5 |
22990404 |
Recovering textile fibers from clippings and rags |
6 |
22990405 |
Slubs and nubs |
1 |
22990407 |
Wool waste processing |
2 |
229905 |
Jute and flax textile products |
192 |
22990500 |
Jute and flax textile products |
14 |
22990501 |
Bagging, jute |
7 |
22990502 |
Burlap, jute |
7 |
22990503 |
Crash, linen |
3 |
22990504 |
Linen fabrics |
146 |
22990506 |
Roves, flax and jute |
0 |
22990507 |
Towels and towelings, linen and linen-and-cotton mixtures |
13 |
22990508 |
Webbing, jute |
3 |
229906 |
Scouring and carbonizing of textile fibers |
23 |
22990600 |
Scouring and carbonizing of textile fibers |
2 |
22990601 |
Carbonized rags |
6 |
22990602 |
Carbonizing of wool, mohair, and similar fibers |
2 |
22990603 |
Preparing textile fibers for spinning (scouring and combing) |
8 |
22990604 |
Scouring: wool, mohair, and similar fibers |
5 |
229907 |
Tops and top processing, manmade or other fiber |
17 |
22990700 |
Tops and top processing, manmade or other fiber |
7 |
22990702 |
Tops, combing and converting |
3 |
22990703 |
Tops, manmade fiber |
3 |
22990704 |
Tow to top mills |
1 |
22990705 |
Wool tops, combing and converting |
3 |
229999 |
Textile goods, nec, nec |
163 |
22999901 |
Broadwoven fabrics: linen, jute, hemp, and ramie |
23 |
22999902 |
Coir yarns and roving |
4 |
22999903 |
Fabrics: linen, jute, hemp, ramie |
83 |
22999904 |
Grease, wool |
5 |
22999905 |
Hand woven fabrics |
23 |
22999906 |
Hemp yarn, thread, roving, and textiles |
15 |
22999907 |
Narrow woven fabrics: linen, jute, hemp, and ramie |
8 |
22999909 |
Oakum |
6 |
22999910 |
Rugbacking, jute or other fiber |
2 |