SIC 91 - Standard Industrial Code Divisions
91 -
Executive, Legislative & General Government, Except Finance
Codes |
Titles |
Number of
US Businesses |
91 |
Executive, Legislative & General Government, Except Finance |
76,627 |
9111 |
Executive Offices |
45,891 |
911100 |
Executive offices |
5,908 |
91110000 |
Executive offices |
5,908 |
911101 |
Executive offices, national |
224 |
91110100 |
Executive offices, national |
77 |
91110101 |
Executive advisory commission |
37 |
91110102 |
Presidents' office |
110 |
911102 |
Executive offices, state and local |
28,677 |
91110200 |
Executive offices, state and local |
823 |
91110201 |
City and town managers' office |
20,224 |
91110202 |
County supervisors' and executives' office |
3,225 |
91110203 |
Governors' office |
509 |
91110204 |
Mayors' office |
4,032 |
911104 |
Executive offices, level of government |
27,248 |
91110400 |
Executive offices, level of government |
53 |
91110401 |
Executive offices, Federal government |
215 |
91110402 |
Executive offices, State government |
1,528 |
91110403 |
Executive offices, County government |
6,328 |
91110404 |
Executive offices, Local government |
19,170 |
9121 |
Legislative Bodies |
8,808 |
912100 |
Legislative bodies |
3,031 |
91210000 |
Legislative bodies |
3,031 |
912101 |
Legislative bodies, national |
2,262 |
91210100 |
Legislative bodies, national |
68 |
91210101 |
Congress |
2,081 |
91210102 |
Legislative advisory commission |
36 |
91210103 |
Legislative assembly |
65 |
91210104 |
Legislative study commission |
14 |
912102 |
Legislative bodies, state and local |
2,406 |
91210200 |
Legislative bodies, state and local |
241 |
91210201 |
Board of supervisors |
225 |
91210202 |
City council |
837 |
91210203 |
County commissioner |
565 |
91210204 |
Town council |
544 |
912104 |
Legislative bodies, level of government |
5,564 |
91210400 |
Legislative bodies, level of government |
7 |
91210401 |
Legislative bodies, Federal government |
1,983 |
91210402 |
Legislative bodies, State government |
1,827 |
91210403 |
Legislative bodies, County government |
662 |
91210404 |
Legislative bodies, Local government |
1,129 |
9131 |
Executive and Legislative Combined |
1,529 |
913100 |
Executive and legislative combined |
344 |
91310000 |
Executive and legislative combined |
344 |
913104 |
Executive and legislative combined, level of government |
1,150 |
91310400 |
Executive and legislative combined, level of government |
5 |
91310401 |
Executive and legislative offices combined, federal govt |
238 |
91310402 |
Executive and legislative offices combined, state government |
59 |
91310403 |
Executive and legislative offices combined, County government |
696 |
91310404 |
Executive and legislative offices combined, Local government |
162 |
913199 |
Executive and legislative combined, nec |
871 |
91319901 |
Indian Reservation |
871 |
9199 |
General Government, Nec |
20,399 |
919900 |
General government, nec |
644 |
91990000 |
General government, nec |
644 |
919901 |
General government administration |
7,680 |
91990100 |
General government administration |
6,235 |
91990101 |
General accounting office, government |
163 |
91990102 |
Personnel agency, government |
283 |
91990103 |
Purchasing agency, government |
386 |
91990104 |
Supply agency, government |
619 |
919904 |
General government, level of government |
17,043 |
91990400 |
General government, level of government |
554 |
91990401 |
General government, Federal government |
1,629 |
91990402 |
General government, State government |
4,740 |
91990403 |
General government, County government |
4,215 |
91990404 |
General government, Local government |
5,971 |
919999 |
General government, nec, nec |
222 |
91999901 |
Civil rights commission, government |
118 |
91999902 |
Civil service commission, government |
105 |