SIC 02 - Standard Industrial Code Divisions
02 -
Agricultural Production - Livestock and Animal Specialties
Codes |
Titles |
Number of
US Businesses |
02 |
Agricultural Production - Livestock and Animal Specialties |
164,037 |
0211 |
Beef Cattle Feedlots |
13,295 |
021100 |
Beef cattle feedlots |
13,295 |
02110000 |
Beef cattle feedlots |
13,295 |
0212 |
Beef Cattle, Except Feedlots |
32,989 |
021200 |
Beef cattle, except feedlots |
32,989 |
02120000 |
Beef cattle, except feedlots |
32,989 |
0213 |
Hogs |
7,951 |
021300 |
Hogs |
6,912 |
02130000 |
Hogs |
6,912 |
021399 |
Hogs, nec |
1,049 |
02139901 |
Hog feedlot |
1,049 |
0214 |
Sheep and Goats |
1,960 |
021400 |
Sheep and goats |
346 |
02140000 |
Sheep and goats |
346 |
021401 |
Goats |
441 |
02140100 |
Goats |
73 |
02140101 |
Goat farm |
321 |
02140102 |
Goats' milk production |
45 |
02140103 |
Mohair production |
7 |
021402 |
Sheep |
1,182 |
02140200 |
Sheep |
589 |
02140201 |
Lamb feedlot |
56 |
02140202 |
Sheep feeding farm |
45 |
02140203 |
Sheep raising farm |
466 |
02140204 |
Wool production |
52 |
0219 |
General Livestock, Nec |
2,650 |
021900 |
General livestock, nec |
2,650 |
02190000 |
General livestock, nec |
2,650 |
0241 |
Dairy Farms |
36,965 |
024100 |
Dairy farms |
33,598 |
02410000 |
Dairy farms |
33,598 |
024199 |
Dairy farms, nec |
3,441 |
02419901 |
Dairy heifer replacement farm |
675 |
02419902 |
Milk production |
2,810 |
0251 |
Broiler, Fryer, and Roaster Chickens |
1,490 |
025100 |
Broiler, fryer, and roaster chickens |
940 |
02510000 |
Broiler, fryer, and roaster chickens |
940 |
025199 |
Broiler, fryer, and roaster chickens, nec |
551 |
02519901 |
Broiling chickens, raising of |
410 |
02519902 |
Capons, raising of |
3 |
02519903 |
Cornish hens, raising of |
6 |
02519904 |
Frying chickens, raising of |
77 |
02519905 |
Roasting chickens, raising of |
65 |
0252 |
Chicken Eggs |
732 |
025200 |
Chicken eggs |
674 |
02520000 |
Chicken eggs |
674 |
025299 |
Chicken eggs, nec |
61 |
02529901 |
Started pullet farm |
61 |
0253 |
Turkeys and Turkey Eggs |
896 |
025300 |
Turkeys and turkey eggs |
61 |
02530000 |
Turkeys and turkey eggs |
61 |
025399 |
Turkeys and turkey eggs, nec |
838 |
02539901 |
Turkey egg farm |
25 |
02539902 |
Turkey farm |
820 |
0254 |
Poultry Hatcheries |
1,151 |
025400 |
Poultry hatcheries |
825 |
02540000 |
Poultry hatcheries |
825 |
025499 |
Poultry hatcheries, nec |
335 |
02549901 |
Chicken hatchery |
335 |
0259 |
Poultry and Eggs, Nec |
1,466 |
025900 |
Poultry and eggs, nec |
924 |
02590000 |
Poultry and eggs, nec |
924 |
025999 |
Poultry and eggs, nec, nec |
542 |
02599901 |
Duck farm |
191 |
02599902 |
Geese farm |
16 |
02599903 |
Pheasant farm |
122 |
02599904 |
Pigeon farm |
37 |
02599905 |
Quail farm |
180 |
02599906 |
Squab farm |
6 |
0271 |
Fur-bearing Animals and Rabbits |
764 |
027100 |
Fur-bearing animals and rabbits |
93 |
02710000 |
Fur-bearing animals and rabbits |
93 |
027199 |
Fur-bearing animals and rabbits, nec |
672 |
02719901 |
Chinchilla farm |
13 |
02719902 |
Fox farm |
234 |
02719903 |
Mink farm |
346 |
02719904 |
Rabbit farm |
78 |
02719905 |
Raccoon farm |
2 |
0272 |
Horses and Other Equines |
7,136 |
027200 |
Horses and other equines |
1,555 |
02720000 |
Horses and other equines |
1,555 |
027299 |
Horses and other equines, nec |
5,586 |
02729901 |
Burro farm |
3 |
02729902 |
Donkey farm |
61 |
02729903 |
Horse farm |
5,369 |
02729904 |
Mule farm |
53 |
02729905 |
Pony farm |
113 |
0273 |
Animal Aquaculture |
1,114 |
027300 |
Animal aquaculture |
396 |
02730000 |
Animal aquaculture |
396 |
027301 |
Finfish farms |
658 |
02730100 |
Finfish farms |
143 |
02730101 |
Catfish farm |
192 |
02730102 |
Goldfish farm |
9 |
02730103 |
Minnow farm |
32 |
02730104 |
Tropical fish farm |
126 |
02730105 |
Trout farm |
164 |
027302 |
Shellfish farms |
69 |
02730200 |
Shellfish farms |
55 |
02730201 |
Crustacean farm |
11 |
02730202 |
Mollusk farm |
3 |
0279 |
Animal Specialties, Nec |
3,779 |
027900 |
Animal specialties, nec |
586 |
02790000 |
Animal specialties, nec |
586 |
027901 |
Worm farms |
229 |
02790100 |
Worm farms |
173 |
02790101 |
Earthworm farm |
51 |
02790102 |
Silk (raw) production and silkworm farm |
6 |
027902 |
Bird sanctuaries |
371 |
02790200 |
Bird sanctuaries |
222 |
02790201 |
Aviary |
150 |
027903 |
Amphibious animal farms |
120 |
02790300 |
Amphibious animal farms |
18 |
02790301 |
Alligator farm |
49 |
02790302 |
Frog farm |
47 |
02790303 |
Rattlesnake farm |
8 |
027904 |
Domestic animal farms |
1,050 |
02790400 |
Domestic animal farms |
118 |
02790401 |
Cat farm |
59 |
02790402 |
Dog farm |
268 |
02790403 |
Kennels, breeding and raising own stock |
615 |
027999 |
Animal specialties, nec, nec |
1,431 |
02799901 |
Apiary (bee and honey farm) |
1,278 |
02799902 |
Laboratory animal farm |
83 |
02799903 |
Insect farm |
70 |
0291 |
General Farms, Primarily animals |
49,699 |
029100 |
General farms, primarily animals |
46,247 |
02910000 |
General farms, primarily animals |
46,247 |
029199 |
General farms, primarily animals, nec |
3,461 |
02919901 |
Animal specialty farm, general |
830 |
02919902 |
Livestock farm, general |
2,637 |