Codes |
Titles |
Number of
US Businesses |
07 |
Agricultural Services |
429,348 |
0711 |
Soil Preparation Services |
2,053 |
071100 |
Soil preparation services |
810 |
07110000 |
Soil preparation services |
810 |
071199 |
Soil preparation services, nec |
1,261 |
07119901 |
Fertilizer application services |
396 |
07119902 |
Lime spreading services |
73 |
07119903 |
Plowing services |
207 |
07119904 |
Seed bed preparation services |
33 |
07119905 |
Soil chemical treatment services |
139 |
07119906 |
Soil testing services |
334 |
07119907 |
Weed control services, before planting |
144 |
0721 |
Crop Planting and Protection |
4,207 |
072100 |
Crop planting and protection |
742 |
07210000 |
Crop planting and protection |
742 |
072101 |
Orchard tree and vine services |
422 |
07210100 |
Orchard tree and vine services |
124 |
07210101 |
Orchard tree and vine bracing services |
39 |
07210102 |
Orchard tree and vine pruning services |
29 |
07210103 |
Orchard tree and vine surgery services |
15 |
07210104 |
Tree orchards, cultivation of |
164 |
07210105 |
Vines, cultivation of |
53 |
072102 |
Sprout and twig services |
15 |
07210200 |
Sprout and twig services |
7 |
07210201 |
Sprout and twig cultivation services |
2 |
07210202 |
Sprout and twig seeding services |
6 |
072103 |
Crop protecting services |
2,008 |
07210300 |
Crop protecting services |
198 |
07210301 |
Crop disease control services |
14 |
07210302 |
Crop dusting services |
723 |
07210303 |
Crop related entomological services (insect control) |
48 |
07210304 |
Crop spraying services |
1,146 |
072104 |
Crop cultivating services |
847 |
07210400 |
Crop cultivating services |
71 |
07210401 |
Citrus grove cultivation services |
78 |
07210402 |
Corn detasseling services |
16 |
07210403 |
Crop thinning (chemical) services |
19 |
07210404 |
Crop thinning (mechanical) services |
12 |
07210405 |
Flame cultivation services |
2 |
07210406 |
Hoeing services |
9 |
07210407 |
Irrigation system operation, not providing water |
346 |
07210408 |
Mechanical cultivation services |
23 |
07210409 |
Pollinating services |
30 |
07210410 |
Weed control services, after planting |
244 |
072199 |
Crop planting and protection, nec |
235 |
07219901 |
Crop seeding services |
113 |
07219902 |
Planting services |
123 |
0722 |
Crop Harvesting |
3,116 |
072200 |
Crop harvesting |
2,061 |
07220000 |
Crop harvesting |
2,061 |
072201 |
Cash grains, machine harvesting services |
453 |
07220100 |
Cash grains, machine harvesting services |
162 |
07220101 |
Chopping and silo filling services |
25 |
07220102 |
Corn, machine harvesting services |
167 |
07220103 |
Rice, machine harvesting services |
9 |
07220104 |
Soybean, machine harvesting services |
133 |
07220105 |
Threshing service |
2 |
07220106 |
Wheat, machine harvesting services |
95 |
072202 |
Fruit and tree nuts, machine harvesting services |
172 |
07220200 |
Fruit and tree nuts, machine harvesting services |
38 |
07220201 |
Berry crops, machine harvesting services |
9 |
07220202 |
Fruit, machine harvesting services |
42 |
07220203 |
Grapes, machine harvesting services |
41 |
07220204 |
Tree nuts, machine harvesting services |
42 |
072203 |
Field crops, except cash grains, machine harvesting services |
393 |
07220300 |
Field crops, except cash grains, machine harvesting services |
126 |
07220301 |
Combining services |
60 |
07220302 |
Cotton, machine harvesting services |
28 |
07220303 |
Hay, machine harvesting services |
147 |
07220304 |
Peanuts, machine harvesting services |
11 |
07220305 |
Sugar crops, machine harvesting services |
9 |
07220306 |
Tobacco, machine harvesting services |
19 |
072299 |
Crop harvesting, nec |
75 |
07229901 |
Potatoes, machine harvesting services |
46 |
07229902 |
Vegetables and melons, machine harvesting services |
29 |
0723 |
Crop Preparation Services For Market |
2,950 |
072300 |
Crop preparation services for market |
445 |
07230000 |
Crop preparation services for market |
445 |
072301 |
Field crops, except cash grains, market preparation services |
449 |
07230100 |
Field crops, except cash grains, market preparation services |
91 |
07230101 |
Alfalfa cubing services |
16 |
07230102 |
Cotton seed delinting services |
18 |
07230103 |
Flax decorticating services |
2 |
07230104 |
Flax retting services |
4 |
07230105 |
Hay baling services |
266 |
07230106 |
Hay cubing services |
30 |
07230107 |
Hay drying services |
14 |
07230108 |
Peanut shelling |
22 |
07230109 |
Tobacco grading services |
6 |
072302 |
Cash grain crops market preparation services |
827 |
07230200 |
Cash grain crops market preparation services |
280 |
07230201 |
Corn drying services |
13 |
07230202 |
Corn shelling services |
11 |
07230203 |
Feed milling, custom services |
203 |
07230204 |
Flour milling, custom services |
44 |
07230205 |
Grain cleaning services |
58 |
07230206 |
Grain drying services |
59 |
07230207 |
Grain milling; custom services |
112 |
07230208 |
Rice drying services |
74 |
072303 |
Vegetable crops market preparation services |
421 |
07230300 |
Vegetable crops market preparation services |
120 |
07230301 |
Bean cleaning services |
39 |
07230302 |
Potato curing services |
17 |
07230303 |
Sweet potato curing services |
5 |
07230304 |
Vegetable drying services |
8 |
07230305 |
Vegetable grading services |
11 |
07230306 |
Vegetable packing services |
211 |
07230307 |
Vegetable precooling services |
23 |
07230308 |
Vegetable sorting services |
4 |
072304 |
Fruit crops market preparation services |
500 |
07230400 |
Fruit crops market preparation services |
76 |
07230401 |
Fruit (farm-dried) packing services |
95 |
07230402 |
Fruit (fresh) packing services |
302 |
07230403 |
Fruit drying services |
18 |
07230404 |
Fruit grading services |
6 |
07230405 |
Fruit precooling services |
13 |
07230406 |
Fruit sorting services |
14 |
072305 |
Tree nut crops market preparation services |
157 |
07230500 |
Tree nut crops market preparation services |
31 |
07230501 |
Almond hulling and shelling services |
45 |
07230502 |
Filbert hulling and shelling services |
3 |
07230503 |
Pecan hulling and shelling services |
23 |
07230504 |
Tree nuts (general) hulling and shelling services |
24 |
07230505 |
Walnut hulling and shelling services |
40 |
072399 |
Crop preparation services for market, nec |
223 |
07239901 |
Moss ginning services |
1 |
07239902 |
Seed cleaning |
212 |
07239903 |
Vacuum cooling |
10 |
0724 |
Cotton Ginning |
999 |
072400 |
Cotton ginning |
978 |
07240000 |
Cotton ginning |
978 |
072499 |
Cotton ginning, nec |
22 |
07249901 |
Cotton pickery services |
22 |
0741 |
Veterinary Services For Livestock |
2,300 |
074100 |
Veterinary services for livestock |
1,032 |
07410000 |
Veterinary services for livestock |
1,032 |
074199 |
Veterinary services for livestock, nec |
1,277 |
07419901 |
Animal hospital services, livestock |
593 |
07419902 |
Veterinarian, livestock |
698 |
0742 |
Veterinary Services, Specialties |
49,205 |
074200 |
Veterinary services, specialties |
17,606 |
07420000 |
Veterinary services, specialties |
17,606 |
074299 |
Veterinary services, specialties, nec |
31,990 |
07429901 |
Animal hospital services, pets and other animal specialties |
19,483 |
07429902 |
Veterinarian, animal specialties |
13,706 |
0751 |
Livestock Services, Except Veterinary |
5,121 |
075100 |
Livestock services, except veterinary |
730 |
07510000 |
Livestock services, except veterinary |
730 |
075101 |
Cattle services |
2,189 |
07510100 |
Cattle services |
2,131 |
07510101 |
Cattle spraying services |
13 |
07510102 |
Dairy herd improvement association services |
46 |
075102 |
Poultry services |
625 |
07510200 |
Poultry services |
598 |
07510201 |
Poultry catching services |
15 |
07510202 |
Poultry coop cleaning services |
12 |
075103 |
Sheep services |
43 |
07510300 |
Sheep services |
27 |
07510301 |
Sheep dipping services |
0 |
07510302 |
Sheep shearing services |
16 |
075104 |
Livestock reproduction services |
887 |
07510400 |
Livestock reproduction services |
150 |
07510401 |
Artificial insemination services, livestock |
71 |
07510402 |
Breeding services, livestock |
662 |
07510403 |
Pedigree record services, livestock |
9 |
075199 |
Livestock services, except veterinary, nec |
672 |
07519901 |
Feedlot cleaning services |
19 |
07519902 |
Milk testing services |
33 |
07519903 |
Showing services, livestock |
28 |
07519904 |
Slaughtering: custom livestock services |
584 |
07519905 |
Vaccinating services, livestock |
8 |
0752 |
Animal Specialty Services |
61,556 |
075200 |
Animal specialty services |
14,580 |
07520000 |
Animal specialty services |
14,580 |
075201 |
Animal breeding services |
4,101 |
07520100 |
Animal breeding services |
642 |
07520101 |
Artificial insemination services, animal specialties |
66 |
07520102 |
Breeding services, horses: racing and non-racing |
2,329 |
07520103 |
Breeding services, pet and animal specialties (not horses) |
1,035 |
07520104 |
Pedigree record services, pet and animal specialties |
50 |
075202 |
Animal boarding services |
15,635 |
07520200 |
Animal boarding services |
932 |
07520201 |
Boarding services, horses: racing and non-racing |
1,445 |
07520202 |
Boarding services, kennels |
12,011 |
07520203 |
Dog pounds |
261 |
07520204 |
Shelters, animal |
1,034 |
075203 |
Animal training services |
10,292 |
07520300 |
Animal training services |
1,551 |
07520301 |
Showing services, pet and animal specialties |
150 |
07520302 |
Training services, horses (except racing horses) |
6,809 |
07520303 |
Training services, pet and animal specialties (not horses) |
1,829 |
075299 |
Animal specialty services, nec |
18,578 |
07529901 |
Grooming services, pet and animal specialties |
18,472 |
07529902 |
Honey straining services (on farm) |
63 |
07529903 |
Vaccinating services, pet and animal specialties |
43 |
0761 |
Farm Labor Contractors |
862 |
076100 |
Farm labor contractors |
619 |
07610000 |
Farm labor contractors |
619 |
076199 |
Farm labor contractors, nec |
244 |
07619901 |
Crew leaders, farm labor: contracting services |
244 |
0762 |
Farm Management Services |
3,498 |
076200 |
Farm management services |
2,610 |
07620000 |
Farm management services |
2,610 |
076299 |
Farm management services, nec |
894 |
07629901 |
Citrus grove management and maintenance services |
167 |
07629902 |
Orchard management and maintenance services |
135 |
07629903 |
Vineyard management and maintenance services |
604 |
0781 |
Landscape Counseling and Planning |
106,089 |
078100 |
Landscape counseling and planning |
6,494 |
07810000 |
Landscape counseling and planning |
6,494 |
078101 |
Horticulture services |
768 |
07810100 |
Horticulture services |
393 |
07810101 |
Garden planning services |
253 |
07810102 |
Horticultural counseling services |
127 |
078102 |
Landscape services |
99,002 |
07810200 |
Landscape services |
90,648 |
07810201 |
Landscape architects |
5,906 |
07810202 |
Landscape counseling services |
639 |
07810203 |
Landscape planning services |
2,390 |
0782 |
Lawn and Garden Services |
157,580 |
078200 |
Lawn and garden services |
27,794 |
07820000 |
Lawn and garden services |
27,794 |
078201 |
Garden services |
6,313 |
07820100 |
Garden services |
5,240 |
07820101 |
Garden maintenance services |
910 |
07820102 |
Garden planting services |
215 |
078202 |
Lawn services |
94,505 |
07820200 |
Lawn services |
24,362 |
07820201 |
Cemetery upkeep services |
171 |
07820202 |
Fertilizing services, lawn |
387 |
07820203 |
Lawn care services |
61,773 |
07820204 |
Mowing services, lawn |
4,436 |
07820205 |
Mulching services, lawn |
180 |
07820206 |
Seeding services, lawn |
410 |
07820207 |
Sodding contractor |
585 |
07820208 |
Spraying services, lawn |
439 |
07820209 |
Sprigging services, lawn |
4 |
07820210 |
Turf installation services, except artificial |
2,635 |
078299 |
Lawn and garden services, nec |
31,797 |
07829901 |
Bermuda sprigging services |
32 |
07829902 |
Highway lawn and garden maintenance services |
454 |
07829903 |
Landscape contractors |
31,387 |
0783 |
Ornamental Shrub and Tree Services |
29,812 |
078300 |
Ornamental shrub and tree services |
13,386 |
07830000 |
Ornamental shrub and tree services |
13,386 |
078301 |
Planting, pruning, and trimming services |
12,513 |
07830100 |
Planting, pruning, and trimming services |
10,180 |
07830101 |
Planting services, ornamental bush |
39 |
07830102 |
Planting services, ornamental tree |
354 |
07830103 |
Pruning services, ornamental bush |
54 |
07830104 |
Pruning services, ornamental tree |
692 |
07830105 |
Tree trimming services for public utility lines |
1,365 |
078302 |
Bracing and surgery services |
416 |
07830200 |
Bracing and surgery services |
61 |
07830201 |
Bracing services, ornamental bush |
3 |
07830202 |
Bracing services, ornamental tree |
27 |
07830203 |
Surgery services, ornamental bush |
21 |
07830204 |
Surgery services, ornamental tree |
320 |
078399 |
Ornamental shrub and tree services, nec |
4,277 |
07839901 |
Arborist services |
463 |
07839902 |
Removal services, bush and tree |
3,637 |
07839903 |
Spraying services, ornamental bush |
68 |
07839904 |
Spraying services, ornamental tree |
210 |